
SEO Tutorials in Urdu/Hindi (2017)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has dramatically changed over the years. I’ve been reading about SEO since 2009 when I first dived into online world. However, major changes in the SEO industry took place in 2011 when Google added Panda update to its algorithms, and then subsequently,  the Penguin update in 2012. I’ve been updating the SEO training in Urdu for couple of years in order to make it relevant with the current updates, but it’s very hard to do so due to the dynamic shape of online marketing and particularly SEO. But again, we have to be active and be updated in order to keep our interest alive in the game.


SEO Tutorials in Urdu (2017)

The title of this post apparently looks misleading, because the course I’m sharing today was created back in 2015. However, when I watched the course carefully, I found that many of the lectures are still relevant for beginners who want to learn the fundamentals of SEO. And thus, I’m publishing this course today. And furthermore, I’ll create a few more lectures which will make this course a perfect and useful one for 2017 and beyond.

In fact, creating new tutorials is very difficult for me these days due to other online/offline activities and having been in the field for a long time (Traveling Industry as well). It’s been 8 years since I’m continuously working online and particularly doing blogging. I’m trying my best to manage the things up and running again. wish me good luck.

What’s in this course?

In this course, you’ll learn all the basics of SEO from fundamentals to on-page SEO and from link building to off-page SEO. You’ll also learn using many SEO tools. And finally, there are some extra tips which can help you finding SEO jobs as well as working as an SEO optimizer in the future. And SEO doesn’t stop here, you have to learn from other sources/tutorials available on the internet. I’ll always try my best to provide useful information through video tutorials in Urdu.

What’s New?

At the end section of this course, I’ll add a few updated lectures on new topics such as Private Blog Network (PBN) and Viral Blogging which will help you gain reasonable income and quick start with SEO and Blogging. the course is actually in a YouTube playlist, and this will have almost 100 video tutorials in Urdu/Hindi. You can just start watching the course by playing a video below, and the next video should play automatically.

Note: more videos will be added to this playlist in the upcoming days, and if you liked the playlist then don’t forget to share it with your friends on social media. and do comment if you have a question.