
Top Web Hosting Providers 2017 (My Review)

Web Hosting is the first important thing for a long term website. I run websites since 2010, and during last 7 years, I’ve used many web hosting companies including NameCheap, Hostgator, Site5 and particularly a Pakistani company called “HosterPK”. If the hosting service is poor, it’ll hugely affect your site. therefore, it should be carefully evaluated beforehand. Today, I’ll share my experience with you about SiteGround which I’m using myself since last two months, along the way, I’ll give you a list of the top 5 web hosting companies.

Why I transferred my sites to SiteGround?

As I earlier mentioned, I was using HosterPK a Pakistani company for almost 7 years. In the start, they were providing a good service including up time and customer support. But in recent months, that company became very poor in handling issues related to down servers. The customer support also became terrible. so I decided to find another company where I could safely move my sites.

I had Bluehost and Hostgator in my mind, but when I researched online, I found that SiteGround has more good reviews, and found the prices very competitive. Therefore, I decided to join SiteGround, but you can look into all of the below-mentioned web hosting providers, and check which is one is good for your needs and budget.

Grab SiteGround Hosting

Grab HostGator Hosting

Grab Blue Host Hosting

Important factors to look in web hosting

There are many factors you may want to look into before choosing a web hosting company. The most important one is up time which means if the hosting company is keeping your site live and running all the time. That’s very important in modern-day websites because visitors browse the internet in speed like rockets. A few more factors that one should look into before purchasing a web hosting are the following:

  1. Up Time Guarantee (99.99)
  2. Server Speed
  3. Security
  4. Competitive Pricing
  5. Customer Support (The most important)

These 5 are the top pillars in web hosting. there are hundreds of other features that you can see on the home page of every web hosting company and can compare with one another.

You should further look into your needs and traffic on your sites, and you should select a web hosting according to your budget and requirements. For example, if your sites receive less than 100,000 monthly visitors then SiteGround is a good choice for you, if your sites receive more visitors then you should probably go for HostGator or BlueHost.

Top 5 Web Hosting Providers

There are at least 20 hosting providers which are considered the most popular among bloggers and website owners. However, I’ll select only 5 out of them, and you can select the best one according to your needs and budget. Please watch the video at the bottom to understand the importance of web hosting for long term websites.

My 5 favorite web hosting providers: 

  1. SiteGround (I’m using this)
  2. HostGator (I’ve used it)
  3. BlueHost (Friends are using)
  4. GoDaddy (Friends are using)
  5. NameCheap (I’ve used it)

Why do I recommend SiteGround?

The simplest reason I’m recommending SiteGround is that I’m using it myself since the last two months, and it’s a world-class web hosting with responsive customer support which I love. Furthermore, the pricing is very competitive. SiteGround also has WordPress + Joomla dedicated web hosting which includes extra benefits. I’m satisfied with this web hosting so far, and that’s the reason I’m recommending it to my readers. However, you are free to choose from above 5 which is according to your needs and budget.

Note: If you buy the hosting from my link on this page then you’ll get the hosting on the same price or maybe with some discount, but at the same time I’ll get some commission. so if you decide to buy then do buy from my link on this page. Thanks.

I’ll update this article if there are changes in list of web hosting providers so that we can discuss it here. I’ve always shared the best web hosting companies after testing myself. and currently, I think the above mentioned are perfect.

Please watch my web hosting review below in Urdu/Hindi to properly understand the importance of web hosting and other factors that can be used to decide which hosting provider to choose.